Friday, May 05, 2006


A note before the actual post: this is what the world has come to? Whatever happened to Perfect Strangers, and Family Matters? Whatever happened to predictability?

But I digress, as my mind is prone to do on Fridays.

It seems commonplace at this point, that Friday morning will come and everybody around the office will be getting excited for the weekend. Inevitably I will receive a FedEx box or email which contains a monstrous task that needs to be done by COB Friday. Of course its impossible to get done by COB Friday, so the secondary requirement is that it be done by the time the office opens on Monday. I think that I've escaped this phenomenon only twice in the 9 months that I've been working. If you haven't worked on a weekend yet, then you're one of the lucky ones.

The only things more depressing than weekend work is staying late on a Friday afternoon. The reason behind this discrepancy is that you can engineer a Sunday morning so that you are physically incapable of doing anything but work. Unless you take a sick day, or work from home, the odds that you have something better than work to do on a Friday afternoon are pretty good.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I only have better things to do than work on days that end in "y".