Monday, May 01, 2006

Google makes a pit-stop at the armory before going after the big guns

Google has been slowly poking at Microsoft's software market for a long time. Products like gmail, and calendar were direct attempts to place hard-coded, not to mention expensive, Microsoft products on the web for free to consumers. In my opinion (and I think the rest of the internet-connected world agrees), Google products have always been more user friendly than Microsoft's. Now they're making an attempt to ensure that they can pull the market share away from the giant in a fair and equitable manner... by alleging that Microsoft is once again passing go more often than they should.

I certainly wasn't expecting this, especially since my version of IE7 loads Google's search engine in the upper right hand corner. I was thinking something more product-based, for example. Some distributed tool that displaces Word. I am impressed and pleased with their ardor, though. I don't like being locked into software options, and I like Google. Plain and simple, this seems like a good move.

(Interesting side note, in searching for this link I didn't realize that Google had already bought Writely. I guess they are taking that approach too).

Another interesting note here: Blogger's spellchecker (Google owns Blogger) just spat back Google as a misspelled word. Huh.

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