Thursday, June 29, 2006


Despite a several week lack of posts, I've still seen regular traffic of about 8-9 visits per day (3-4 returning visitors). It seems as though everyone is waiting for me to post something. I didn't realize that I was such a draw (or boredom killer) from my regular readers, but I have been pleasantly surprised.

Thanks, I'll find some news for my readers by the end of the day.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am entertained

Jamie Kennedy has a new show on MTV entitled "Blowin' Up." I'm not sure if its serious or completely fake, but it is one of the funniest things I've seen since Malibu's Most Wanted. They have a music video (available on YouTube - search for Rollin' With Bob Saget, and don't check it out while you're at work) and songs available on iTunes. The show follows his quest to 'blow up' or become a famous rap-star, and pulls such hilarious stunts as attempting to fake paparazzi shots with Jessica Simpson.

Check it out. There's not a whole lot on Television during the summer, but this is definitely worth watching.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Coffee 1, tea 0

So basically what this article is trying to get across is that if you drink a lot, you should subsidize your weekend fun with a lot of week-day caffeine intake to offset the negative effects of Saturday night's jack-and-coke-fest.

I'm especially partial to the quote, "The way to avoid getting ill is not to drink a lot of coffee, but to cut down on the drinking."

I think that one's a no brainer.


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Version 0.11, Epsilon Hippo Experimental (Unstable)

I couldn't help myself on this one. I laughed out loud when I saw it. Totally cube-appropriate: just a great joke embeddeded into what generally is a serious software description.

Check out the 'What is the status of YouOS?' portion at the bottom of the page.

Tags: , (esque)

Me vs. the bathroom-talkers: advantage, me

I'm leaving the link in here to make sure it doesn't get passed over. This is in relation to two previous posts (2) (1) I've made today regarding cell phone etiquette. It appears that the general publilc does not think that talking on your cell phone in the bathroom is appropriate. Sadly, however, the people in my office don't seem to care what the general public thinks.

Link: The Cell Phone Etiquette Guide

Tags: Statistics, Office Gripe

The future of college life?

Being fresh out of school, I have a hard time believing that listening to some tunes outranks a nice cold brew. I guess times change - I feel old.


Gift idea in return for the earrings

Follow up to the most recent post about bathroom etiquette, I guess our culture is looking to do more in the bathroom. As long as you're going to talk on the phone, you might as well watch the game. Looks like I stand corrected.

Buy her a diamond necklace and a nice set of earrings

When I go to the bathroom, I usually don't take my phone. At home is one thing, but public bathrooms are another. There are all kinds of hazards for your phone and your hands - it just seems like an unwise decision. With the advent of bluetooth earrings, I guess it makes talking on the phone in the bathroom a simpler, cleaner task.

But isn't it a little weird to see guys talking to the urinal?


Friday, June 02, 2006

Maybe its the avian flu

Not that Detroit needs any help to win (I stick by them even when they're 46% underdogs), but it would make it that much easier for the Pistons to cool off the Heat tonight.

I'll be watching from the airplane. Special thanks to JetBlue for that one.

Bright lights, big city

Well, not exactly a city, but more of a strip.

That's right, I'm headed to the city where sin and win don't have any real meaning. Vegas, baby, Vegas.

Goodbye paycheck, hello $1.00 buffet.

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If your cube neighbor has been getting on your nerves

Some of the office supplies required for this aren't really office supplies (pliers?), but this still seems like a great time-waster. Plus you'll have something to show for your efforts when you're done, unlike, um, your paycheck.

And who said working from home was more fun?

Tags: , (don't bemoan the inclusion of this tag; couldn't fire this thing without physics)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Good, because I already have something at 11

I couldn't have said it any better myself, so I won't try. This made my day, and was a great second belated birthday present in addition to the Pistons outcome last night.


Maybe you should see a doctor

I received this email in my inbox today and thought I'd share (names have been changed to protect me from the guy who wrote it):

So i've started talking to myself. There is no one around,and I'm all alone and I've started talking to myself. Thescary part is, i keep telling myself to stop out loud, whichof course means i'm not stopping. I think i'm losing it. oye

- super j